Ask the Diet Doctor: Is Diet or Exercise Best for Losing Belly Fat?
問問飲食方面的醫師:節食或是運動真的是瘦肚子的最好方法嗎? 資料來源:Shape 網站
Q: What's the best way to lose belly fat: diet or exercise?
什麼是瘦肚子的最好方法? 只靠節食? 還是只靠運動?
A: You really need both, and here's why: Losing fat (all kinds of fat, not just the belly fat that covers your lower abs) requires an energy deficit. At the end of the day, you need your body to realize that it didn't take in enough caloric currency to pay for your daily efforts, forcing it to tap into its energy savings account (stored fat). The greater this deficit, the more weight you will lose.
Diet and exercise can both help you create an energy deficit and lose weight, but I'm assuming you don't just want what works, you want what works best. What gives you the biggest return for the time you invest.
Why Just Dieting Doesn't Work in the Long Run 為什麼單靠節食無法長久
There are numerous hormones that impact weight loss, but for the sake of brevity we're going to focus on two: leptin and ghrelin. Leptin is a hormone released by your fat cells that signals you to eat less and burn more calories. Scientists have called leptin a "fat loss thermostat." The more active leptin in your system, the more fat you are going to burn. Drastically cutting calories decreases leptin release and its ability to signal the brain, making weight loss harder and eventually slower. This forces you to keep eating fewer and fewer calories to get the same weight-loss results.
If cutting calories is your only weight-loss strategy, you'll need to keep your calories low for a very long time to ensure that you don't gain the weight back. Many people justify this, telling themselves "it's worth it and I'll just adjust to eating less." Unfortunately, research shows that you don't adjust to eating less and that even after a year of calorie restriction, one of your hunger hormones, grehlin, is as high as ever, making you as hungry as the first day you set out on your lean body journey.
If cutting calories yields such unfavorable changes in fat loss hormones, why don't we just forget cutting calories and hit the gym to burn belly fat?
Why Just Exercising Doesn't Work in the Long Run 為什麼單靠運動無法長久
The health benefits of regular exercise are too many to count. But as anyone who has lost a lot of weight can attest, burning off your extra flab at the gym is a long and arduous process. And if you aren't using a modestly calorie-restricted diet to support your efforts, it's even longer. This is primarily because eating extra calories takes no time at all (I'll just have one more heaping tablespoon of peanut butter), while burning off those calories can take more than an hour, depending on your preferred mode of exercise. There just isn't enough time in the day! What's more, numerous studies show that exercise (especially aerobic exercise) alone does not cause significant and long-term weight loss.
規律的運動對於健康的益處不勝枚舉,但藉此減下大量體重的人們可以證明,在健身房裡燃燒掉多餘鬆弛的脂肪是條漫長且艱辛的過程,假使你沒有適當地克制熱量的攝取來支持你的努力,這將會更加漫長,最主要的因素是吃額外的卡路里不用花多久(我就多吃了這麼一湯匙的花生醬而已),當你燃燒卡里卻要花上一個小時甚至更久,當然這將取決於你的運動模式而定,而且一天之內能運動的時間有限! 更何況,許多研究顯示,鍛鍊(特別是有氧運動)本身並不造成顯著且長期的的減重。
The combination of diet and exercise works best for weight loss. Why? Because Optimal weight loss is about creating an energy deficit and optimizing weight-loss hormones that will allow for sustained and permanent weight loss.
An optimal weight-loss approach calls for you to reduce your calories enough that you begin to lose weight but not so aggressively that you disrupt your fat-loss hormonal balance. Then, add in exercise to support your diet-induced calorie deficit. This creates a even larger deficit while manipulating hormones that allow for faster fat burning. This is the best way to lose belly fat.