Optimise your abs training優化您的腹肌訓練

        資料來源: men 's health

Combine all three varieties of abs movements to hone the perfect six-pack 


Work your abs from every angle  從各個角度活動你的腹肌

Pounding your abs over and over again with the same exercises will lead only to modest gains and an increased risk of injury. “There are three types of movement which engage your abdominals – and to maximise core workouts you need to be doing all of them,” says personal trainer James King. Mix and match the following selection of exercises from all three movement types for a balanced, intense and effective core workout.
反覆地以同樣的動作來衝擊你的腹肌,所帶來的應有的效果但也不斷在提高受傷的風險。個人教練 詹姆士王說:"有三種類型可以讓你腹肌活動的動作,最大限度地提高你所需的核心鍛煉"。混合並結合以下所選出來的三種運動型態,針對平衡、精進且有效的核心鍛鍊。

Flexion and extension  屈伸

“This type of contraction is achieved through the basic sit-up or crunch. Make sure you include reverse crunches to engage the lower abs,” says King. 這種型態的動作是透過不同的收縮是經由基本仰臥起坐或緊縮。確保你包括逆向仰臥起坐來訓練下腹

   Crunches  仰臥起坐

     Lie on your back and raise your knees to 90 degrees, so that your lower legs are parallel to the ground. Now use your abdominals to lift your shoulder blades off the ground. Then, slowly return to the starting position.

   Reverse crunch 反式仰臥起坐

     Lie down with your legs up in the air, knees slightly bent and lower back pressed into the floor. Contracting your stomach (squeeze it like you're squeezing water out of a sponge), slowly lift your hips a few inches. Keep your upper body relaxed. At the top of the movement, contract your stomach as hard as you can and hold for a few seconds while exhaling. Then inhale and slowly lower yourself back down to the floor.

   King’s tip “Perform these exercises in a slow and controlled manner. Try to take five seconds to go up and 10 seconds to go down.”

Rotation exercises 旋轉練習

Secondly, we have rotation exercises, which work the core through (you guessed it) a twisting movement.   其次,我們有旋轉練習,工作的核心肌群,透過(你猜對了)扭轉運動。

    Medicine ball twists 藥球扭轉

Sit upright on the floor with your knees together and legs slightly bent. Lean back and take your feet off the floor so you are balancing on your backside. Hold a medicine ball in both hands in front of you with the elbows slightly bent. Twist from side to side, ensuring you are moving from your waist, not your shoulders.

    Torso rotation (fixed resistance) 軀幹旋轉(固定抵抗)

Make sure your legs and feet are firm and secure to the torso rotation machine. Slowly flex your abs to rotate your hips from the side to directly in front of you. Hold the position for one second and then return to the starting position.

King’s tip “Make sure you have someone check your form and posture to ensure you are working your abdominals and not your spine.”

Static contraction 靜力性收縮

The third set of movements are actually static contractions, which focus on tensing the abs, rather than any kind of flexion movement. 第三組動作,實際上是靜態的收縮,繃緊腹肌,而不是任何形式的屈曲運動

     Hanging leg lifts 引體向上抬腿

Hang from a chin-up bar, tense your mid section and, keeping them straight throughout, lift your legs up slowly. You should raise your legs as high as possible. Once you reach your maximum height, pause for one second, then slowly lower your legs back to the starting position.

The plank 棒式

Lie face-down on the floor resting on your forearms, then raise your body up so you are supported by your toes and forearms. Keep your body aligned from your head to your heels.

King’s tip “Concentrate on keeping your breathing slow and controlled in order to help you intensify the contraction.”



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